Announcement by SICO Capital Company regarding the incorrect valuation or pricing of a unit of SICO Capital GCC Dividend Growth Fund
SICO Capital Company announces an incorrect valuation or pricing of units of SICO Capital GCC Dividend Growth Fund, during the period (09/05/2022G) and (10/05/2022G) of incorrect valuation/pricing). The following is the total assets and the unit price after correction: -
Total Assets as on 09/05/2022 G 33,108,212.54SR
Unite Price 18.9089 SR
Percentage of error in the unit price 7.41%
Total Assets as on 10/05/2022 G32,561,530.62 SR
Unite Price 18.5967 SR
Percentage of error in the unit price 7.22%
Date of publishing the incorrect valuation or pricing (08/10/1443 H.) and (09/10/1442H), corresponding to (09/05/2022G) and (10/05/2022G)
For your notice that SICO capital would like to confirm that there wasn’t any subscription or redemption during the period of the incorrect valuation.